I started to be active on steamgifts, entering and making giveaways and sometimes join discussions, a year ago, but I never saw what holds the Puzzles category till a week ago. I immediately saw how the puzzles work and tried 3-4 and even solved 2. So I really liked the idea of getting a little bit "sweaty" (using your brain) to earn some free games. So here I am, doing my first puzzle. I think I made it easy, maybe because it is my first and I still suck in making them or I just wanna more people to solve it ;)
Puzzle's link: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/9hUs7qFA
(This giveaway will have no contributor requirement.)
Reward: Pool Nation
Edit: The giveaway ended on 1/14/2016.
I plan do to more puzzles and giveaways this year, because it feels great and it brings me happiness.(yes i made a new year's resolution to enjoy the little things in life more, because I didn't have so great year and hope 2016 will be better) :D
Good luck!
Off topic:
If you need a friend, someone to talk to or some advice/idea for my next puzzle be free to add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mikbok117/
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